You can find full details about bandhistory, line-up etc. on Roque's excellent blog or from the first “Sound Of Leamington Spa“-booklet, so no need to tell you again about it. I first heard the AURBISONS from one of the Blam-A-Bit compilation tapes back in 1990. From the start i fell in love with them. Soon after Olaf and me compiled our first compilation tape. For it i wrote Dave only to found out that my heroes already called it the day. Nevertheless he offered a track from the band's sole demo-tape plus a song from his then current band THE VINEGAR BLOSSOM. Not enough, Dave sent over a collection of both band's recordings. Back in those days classic indiepop did not worked anymore (if you ask me), so i was blown away when i was listening to such amazing tracks as “Ring Collector“, “Holy Cow“ or “Whats Up With Jason“. I met Dave a couple of years later when i was hanging around in London for some record shopping. We went to the Wembley Arena record fair and talked about music for some hours. It was greatest fun and before i left, Dave passed me some more tapes full of recordings. The way back home to Berlin i didn't listening to anything else! What a perfect popband they were!! While listen to tracks as “What Comes Next“ you have to agree that one of their biggest influences were JOSEF K. This song still makes me crazy! When time is on my side i take a couple of beers and play all those tapes with the greatest memories. My good old friend Dave will kill me when i write that he is one of the greatest guitarplayer ever, but to me there are only a few outside which played that perfect. Back in the late 80's Dave and his mates played backing band for another amazing group which called THE MULBERRY CEILINGS. As it seems this band also did not released anything but while listening to their live-recordings you will get the feeling that they were sooo special. They've done coverversions of favourites as “Never Seen Before“ or “The Sun Shines Forever“ and believe me, they done it perfect! Beside this they had a song called “Pillow Crazy“ which contains the most greatest guitarintro i've ever heard!! There was a guy who told me the last year that indiepop is at it's best these days. As it seems he never listening to those bands i'm talking about...i feel sad for him...
I ask Dave on regual basis if there would be a chance for an retrospective featuring all those great songs. Still no chance, but believe me again, i will ask again and again!!
He must do it! Of the best for sure! Please Dave!
AntwortenLöschenUwe Baby, you naughty German.. You can ask on an irregular basis as well.. We didn't record anything other than that rather dodgy demo.. Honest! Bless...
AntwortenLöschenMake the Demo available! I bet its grand.
AntwortenLöschenYes... a retrospective would be perfect! Please, Dave and Uwe...